
class dicomifier.bruker.Dataset#

A Bruker dataset. This objects implements part of the mapping protocol: "foo" in d, d["foo"] and for x in d are valid constructs.

get_field(self: dicomifier.bruker.Dataset, name: str) dicomifier::bruker::Field#

Return the field, throw an exception if field is missing.

get_used_files(self: dicomifier.bruker.Dataset) List[str]#

Return a set of files used to create the dataset (except the PixelData file)

has_field(self: dicomifier.bruker.Dataset, name: str) bool#

Test if dataset contains a given field.

items(self: dicomifier.bruker.Dataset) Iterator#

Iterate on fields

load(self: dicomifier.bruker.Dataset, path: str) None#

Load dataset from file, update any existing field.

class dicomifier.bruker.Field#

A field (i.e. record in JCAMP-DX jargon) of a Bruker data set: container of named variant-typed items.

class Item#
get_int(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field.Item) int#

Return a int-convertible item, throw an exception if not convertible.

get_real(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field.Item) float#

Return a real-convertible item, throw an exception if not convertible.

get_string(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field.Item) str#

Return a string item, throw an exception if not string-typed.

get_struct(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field.Item) List[dicomifier.bruker.Field.Item]#

Return a struct item, throw an exception if not struct-typed.

is_int(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field.Item) bool#

Test whether item is an int.

is_real(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field.Item) bool#

Test whether item is a real.

is_string(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field.Item) bool#

Test whether item is a string.

is_struct(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field.Item) bool#

Test whether item is a struct.

property value#
get_int(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field, index: int) int#

Return a int-convertible item, throw an exception if not convertible.

get_real(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field, index: int) float#

Return a real-convertible item, throw an exception if not convertible.

get_string(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field, index: int) str#

Return a string item, throw an exception if not string-typed.

get_struct(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field, index: int) List[boost::variant<boost::detail::variant::recursive_flag<long>, double, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >, std::__1::vector<boost::recursive_variant_, std::__1::allocator<boost::recursive_variant_> > >]#

Return a struct item, throw an exception if not struct-typed.

is_int(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field, index: int) bool#

Test whether item is an int.

is_real(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field, index: int) bool#

Test whether item is a real.

is_string(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field, index: int) bool#

Test whether item is a string.

is_struct(self: dicomifier.bruker.Field, index: int) bool#

Test whether item is a struct.

property name#

Name of the field.

property shape#

Shape of the field.

property value#

Value of the field.